Sony, a prominent global brand, was in need of a new design for several of their brochures. One of their requests was to showcase the quality and innovation associated with their products.
Wega Theatres are the prime products of the home theatre line for Sony with a wide range of styles and prices to choose from.
These kind of documents tend to have a great amount of information and imagery that sometimes result in cluttered pages and unidentifiable hierarchies for the users.
The challenge I faced as project designer at Signi was to try to present all products, information and technical characteristics of the Wega Theatre experience in an exciting and easy to understand way to its diverse audiences, without losing the individual attributes and sophistication of each of the products presented.
The brochure presented each of the elements of the Wega Theatre experience as they would be set up on the user’s livingroom. Making sure that we showed a variety of settings, the design made it easy to find the right combination of products for the users’ budgets. This allowed anyone to have the best possible Sony home theatre experience.
The design objectives were achieved by having a good balance of experiential expression and technical aspects without overwhelming the user with information and giving a sense of affordability and sophistication the client was looking for.